Respect For Students!
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via email to
As you might expect, we will never sell or share your personal
Take Our Survey!
Alternatively, complete our electronic survey to express your views on
a range of student privacy issues.
All information is completely OPTIONAL and
completely CONFIDENTIAL.
Do you support strong privacy and basic human rights for
students and their parents?
We believe that our school board should adopt policies that
unequivocally guarantee ongoing privacy for our students in the face
of increasing automation and surveillance? In particular:
Custody of student records is a solemn public trust that our school
should not delegate or outsource. All information about individual
students should be physically stored only on school premises and not
be shared outside the local school except
- by specific vote of the board for each release, or
- to the least degree strictly necessary to comply with law, or
- with the prior written consent of the student/parent.
Students (and their parents) own the works that they create, in or out
of school. Students cannot be compelled to use software, computers,
or network servers whose terms would dilute or reassign their rights.
Students have the right to prepare their school work without
electronic surveillance. Students cannot be compelled to use
software, file formats, computers, or network servers that could
monitor their work activity or collect information about its time,
place, or manner.
Students (and their parents) cannot be compelled to accept software
licenses, contracts, terms of service, intellectual property
agreements, enrollments in third-party accounts or online services in
order to enjoy full and equal participation in the normal course of
We believe that the privacy and basic human rights of our students
must not be compromised for the sake of cool technology or staff
convenience. By properly applying up-to-date technology, our schools
can automate, streamline, and improve their outreach without any such
Yes! I agree!